Get PoSH Compliant with PoSH Online Training
Over the years, the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Act has helped many women in getting justice for the cases of sexual harassment cases faced in the workplace. However, there’re many instances of PoSH cases going unreported due to a lack of knowledge about the act among the female workforce. Also, there’re times when there are fake PoSH complaints registered due to incomplete knowledge about the Act. This problem could be easily resolved by Online PoSH training in the COVID times.
Why Becoming PoSH Compliant is Necessary?
The PoSH Act 2013 has made it mandatory for companies to create an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) to address the PoSH complaints received in the organization. It has also made it mandatory to hire an external member with knowledge of PoSH Law to the ICC. The act has made it compulsory for all organizations to submit an annual PoSH compliance report mentioning details of cases resolved in the years. This application is submitted to the local district office. Failing this could lead to companies being charged with heft penalties.
How does Online PoSH Training help?
Ø Conducting Online PoSH training of employees offers convenience to learn from their own safe space.
Ø Employees can safely ask doubts related to the act in one on one online sessions. The helps them to get aware of their rights under the PoSH Law.
Ø This helps women to report any sexual misconduct from a senior in the workplace.
Ø PoSH Training also enables employees to learn about fake PoSH complaints or what can be categorized as malicious complaints. This can reduce no. of false or fake complaints in the organization.
Ø Proper PoSH training for management makes them aware of the process to create a robust and effective complaint redressal system.
Ø It also helps the management to set up an ICC.
How to Become PoSH Compliant?
Ø Contact a Legal firm of experts in the PoSH Act and have experience of conducting training sessions for employees in prestigious organizations.
Ø These firms have law professionals who have worked in the ICC of other organizations and can also help in creating ICC in the new organization.
Ø The experts of the law firm can easily make employees understand the technical terms of the law clearly with their effective communication skills.
Ø Conducting online PoSH training sessions for employees must be made mandatory This will assist in creating a stress-free and safe environment for women at the workplace by making them aware of the consequences of sexual misconduct.