Recovery of Shares in India | How to Claim Unclaimed and Lost Shares

There is an old saying, “invest and forget.” Although it is a sensible recommendation from the perspective of conserving assets, completely forgetting about one’s shareholdings can also lead to losses. India’s leading legal and financial consultancy group “MUDS Management Pvt Ltd” unclaimed shares, dividends, and forgotten shares may be recovered via simple procedures. By bridging the gap between unclaimed shares investments and their rightful owners, we help investors find their hidden wealth. We equip our clients with solutions for IEPF claims and lost shares.
The dematerialization of missing share certificates, which is required to exchange or redeem shares, is not a popular choice among older investors. The actual shares are eventually reduced to paper documents that are put in a file and forgotten. Not all investors are careless; many maintain track of their holdings and save documents related to bank accounts, mutual funds, and equity share certificates. But for them, too, a move, getting older, or becoming sick may quickly derail things.
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